The faulty posture, muscle weakness, trauma, and numerous other problems can result in slip disc, which is quite a common phenomenon among today’s youngsters. Once one diagnosed with slip disc issue, then performing a simple regular task or bending becomes the most terrible one. Then the relatives and well-wishers start suggesting its surgical treatments, that’s the most typical moment ever. But relax! You don’t have to go through surgical pain at all as treatment of slip disc without surgery in Gurgaon is possible right away.
Become Fortunate in Getting Pain-free Treatment of Slip Disc without Surgery in Gurgaon
It’s not easy to find the perfect doctor to treat your slip disc without any surgery and all. But you are lucky enough to get the right one, Dr. Arun Bhanot, who will not just treat your pain in the finest way, but will also let you bear the minimal pain with his treatment of slip disc without surgery in Gurgaon.

How could you recognize a slip disc problem?
Well, you wouldn’t be able to see any sort of symptoms signifying that you are suffering from the slip disc problem. But yes, severe back pain will consistently attack you in case you are suffering from slip disc. The reason behind the pain is pressing on the sciatic nerve by spine’s lumbar region having slipped disc. Starting from the back pain, it comes down to the foot and the whole leg pain which becomes so unbearable that even simple walking becomes a daunting task.
Is surgery the only option available?
It’s often the case that people think just surgery is the resort available to them and they can’t ever get relief without going through surgical pain. But this is not so. There is a proven treatment of slip disc without surgery in Gurgaon. Dr. Arun Bhanot has all the remedies available to cure you without letting you bear the pain.
His medications and consultation do miracles. He will suggest you the best way to get permanent relief with a slight change in your lifestyle by adding some exercises and changing food habits. The rehabilitation treatment by Dr. Arun Bhanot will let you live life without compromising on any term.
Just contact us and improve mobility by getting relieved from the pain.