Spondylolisthesis occurs when there is a slippage of a vertebral disc. This usually occurs at the base of the spine. Here, the vertebrae slip forward towards […]
In today’s world, most of the people complaining of back pain issues. According to reports, six out of ten suffering from continuous back pain. Do you […]
Cervical Spondylosis aka Cervical Osteoarthritis is a condition where changes are observed to the joints, discs, and bones of the neck. When disks shrink & dehydrate, […]
Suffering from backache? You are surely not alone. Slip disc is always jeopardizing and people get threatened from it and its treatment. You might have thought […]
Your back comprises spine where interconnecting nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons and problem related to any of these can be a source of pain. Generally, […]
Spine problems are common and have clutched millions of people in its jaws. The unbearable pain makes people incapable to perform even the regular chores. Are […]
The inflammation of the joints of spine and sacroiliac joints is known as ankylosing spondylitis. A systemic disease (a disease that affects various organs and tissues in the […]
Back pain mostly troubles the lowermost portion of our back. We don’t consider it important particularly when it just begins. We have a tendency to believe it’s a […]
The abnormal narrowing of the tunnel like space within the spine (the bony vertebral column at our back) is called spinal stenosis. It is also known as canal […]
Dr. Arun Bhanot Chief of Spine Services, Columbia Asia Hospital, Gurugram Aum Clinics, Dwarka, New Delhi Back pain Back pain usually affects the lower part of our […]
Cervical Pain Treatment Cervical pain, a common pain, needs no introduction. People may not know cervical spondylosis but they sure know the meaning and symptoms of […]
The human back is a support system of the body made of multiple bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles. It is a complex structure which gives us the ability to […]
Tuberculosis is a very common condition affecting people living in Asia. Also, the number of cases of people with tuberculosis having spine involvement have increased over the […]
Suffering from backache? You are surely not alone. Slip disc is always jeopardizing and people get threatened from it and its treatment. You might have thought […]